Tiny Bird
This morning I propped the front door of the office open. Shortly thereafter a sparrow flew in. Sparrow will not fly out. He has been all over the office, on every picture frame, bookcase and bowl. He has pooped on a file, no problem. Right now he is resting on a basket rim, on the floor. I have closed the blinds so he will not bash his little brains out on the glass and have closed off the rear of the building so he cannot disappear there. He looked very dear perched on my reading chair, and neatly clever looking down from the bookcase. But he needs to go now and rejoin his tribe. Fingers crossed. Worst case scenerio, I have to wait for him to roost tonight then put him out. But if I do, where? On a pine branch, on a shrub, where does he usually sleep?
Ho Ho Ho. The phone rang, the wee one took off for the lobby. Then he saw the wide open door and away he went!
Ho Ho Ho. The phone rang, the wee one took off for the lobby. Then he saw the wide open door and away he went!
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