The Razor's Edge
I have always been interested by a strange psychological perception
shift that is brought about by transparency and being fully present
without self. The shift is that you find yourself suddenly able to
actually see and hear what someone is telling you, regardless of
what words they use. It does not occur often (at least for me).
It did happen for me over the weekend. I was listening to a speaker
and I heard him telling me what his temptation was. I
wasn’t really aware that I was tuned in on that level until I thought
“gee, I’m glad I didn’t tell him about combing his hair back” (which
has sorely tempted me) in response to seeing and hearing the
temptation he struggles with.
Anyway, now I see this person as on the Razor’s Edge (a chosen
path so narrow as to be extraordinarily difficult to walk and from
which you suffer grievous damage if you fall) and I will not become
part of the temptation.
Which brings me to the question of sin. I have always felt that
some things may be a sin for some people and not for others. And
without getting into deep waters here, I believe I can back that up
with scripture. (At least to my satisfaction). Anyway, part of not
sinning is not causing someone else to sin. And on the deeper level,
part of not causing someone else to sin is recognizing that
something might be sinful for them, and not for you.